IB Seminars 2018

Date Day Start Location Speaker Title Host
2018-05-29 Tuesday 15:00 RUPPERT A Richard Zimmermann ER import/export: how and why they are connected Friedrich Förster
2018-05-18 Friday 11:00 RUPPERT ROOD Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy Membrane-Assisted Dynamic Protein-Protein Interactions by NMR Antoinette Killian
2018-03-19 Monday 11:00 H.R.Kruytgebouw O622 Felix Goni Sphingolipids. Physical properties and pathophysiological applications Antoinette Killian
2018-03-29 Thursday 12:00 RUPPERT BLAUW Robert Ernst Lipid fingerprints of a stressed cell – The unfolded protein response and lipid bilayer stress Toon de Kroon – (0)30 253 3424
2018-03-09 Friday 13:15 RUPPERT PAARS Dmitry Veprintsev The inner workings of a G protein-coupled receptor: molecular basis for biased signalling Stefan Rüdiger
2018-03-06 Tuesday 13:15 RUPPERT WIT William Hancock The molecular mechanisms underlying intracellular transport by kinesin motor proteins Anna Akhmanova

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